4 May 2024

Google Search Share Drops After Firefox Switch

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Google is already feeling the effects from the recent loss of a search deal, as a potentially larger deal looms. Market researcher Statcounter says Google’s share of U.S. search traffic, excluding mobile devices, declined to 75.3% in December from 77.5% in November, after the maker of the Firefox browser made Yahoo the default search engine. Yahoo share of search traffic excluding mobile devices grew to 10%, from 8%. That’s a significant shift, given that Firefox accounted for roughly 14% of U.S. browsers in December.

Google’s Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer are the dominant browsers on personal computers, with average U.S. market shares of 37% and 34%, respectively, in 2014. Chrome’s share has quadrupled since 2010, helping Google to be less dependent on other browsers for search traffic. But Google faces potentially larger losses on mobile devices amid reports that Apple is considering dropping Google as the default search provider on its Safari browser, which is standard on the iPhone and iPad. With that advantage, Statcounter estimates that 54% of U.S. mobile traffic came from Safari in December, compared with 41% from Google browsers including Chrome.

The Apple deal is “an even bigger opportunity” for Yahoo or Microsoft to take share from Google. Apple may be inclined to drop Google as the default search for Safari, as the companies’ rivalry intensifies. Google’s Android operating system powered 84% of smartphones shipped in the third quarter according to Strategy Analytics, compared with 12% for Apple’s iOS.

Apple famously gave itself a black eye when in 2012 it dropped Google Maps for the iPhone, replacing it with an Apple Maps app that executives later acknowledged wasn’t ready. Consumers may be similarly put off by a switch to Bing or Yahoo search as the default on Safari. They would have the option to switch back to Google of course.

Click here to access the full article on The Wall Street Journal. 

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