6 May 2024

Defiant 'Charlie Hebdo' Staff Defends Cover

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The cartoonist who drew an image of the prophet Mohammed for the cover of this week's defiant edition of Charlie Hebdo told reporters in an emotional news conference Tuesday that the front page is not the one a terrorist would want "but it's the front page we want." The cover by Renald "Luz" Luzier shows a weeping Mohammed holding a sign that says "Je suis Charlie'' (I am Charlie) with the words "All is forgiven" above him. Zineb El Rhazoui, a journalist with the newspaper, described the cover as meaning that the journalists were forgiving the extremists who killed 12 people last Wednesday, including a number of staffers.

This week's edition is the first since two gunmen opened fire on an editorial meeting of the newspaper last week, killing much of the editorial staff, including well-known French cartoonists. Two police officers were also killed in the attack that left 12 people dead and shocked the country.

More 1.5 million people — including many world leaders — turned out in a show of solidarity Sunday, many carrying a sign containing the "I am Charlie" phrase. The newspaper is printing 3,000,000 copies of the issue, a huge increase over the normal circulation of 60,000. The publishers will also put out editions in English, Arabic and Turkish.

The lead editorial argues passionately for the right to lampoon religions and religious leaders and hold them accountable — and ends with a critique of the pope. The issue even included a mock front page featuring Said and Chérif Kouachi, the two gunmen believed responsible for the carnage at the newspaper offices. The two brothers were later killed by security forces while hiding in a publishing warehouse.

The surviving staff is working out of heavily guarded temporary offices at the newspaper Libération.

Click here to access the full article on USA Today.


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